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告 gao

Home Pinyin gao

哀告 āigào supplicate

报告 bàogào report; reported; reporting; reports

被告 bèigào accused; defendant

大功告成 dàgōnggàochéng you're done

祷告 dǎogào prayer; prayerfully

讣告 fùgào obituaries; obituary

告白 gàobái confession

告别 gàobié bid farewell; farewell; valediction

告诫 gàojiè admonish; admonished; admonitions; cautioned; caveat; exhorting

告示 gàoshì notices

告诉 gàosù tell; told

告一段落 gào yīduànluò come to an end

告知 gàozhī inform

公告 gōnggào announcement; announcements; bulletin; bulletins; proclamation

广告 guǎnggào advert; advertise; advertisement; advertisements; advertising; commercials

广告牌 guǎnggào pái billboard

警告 jǐnggào admonishment; caveat; warn; warned; warning; warnings; warns

控告 kònggào sue

劝告 quàngào exhort; exhortation; suasion

通告 tōng gào circular; notice

宣告 xuāngào announce; proclaim

预告 yùgào banns; trail notice

预告片 yùgào piàn trailer

原告 yuángào accusers; plaintiff

忠告 zhōnggào advice; advise

转告 zhuǎngào tell me

做广告 zuò guǎnggào advertising

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